We are heading into a stressful time of the year and 2020 may even be more stressful than usual with all the uncertainties around us. The right amount of stress that gets us excited is all good, but there is a threshold to how much we can handle before it becomes toxic and damaging to our health.
So, what do we do? We try to manage our stress levels and do all the things we know should help – we get enough sleep, don’t over schedule ourselves, exercise, eat right, do breathing exercises, etc., etc., etc.
And even so, sometimes we find ourselves smack in the middle of a stress overload! Especially now, with all the extra activities and expectations, and worries about the uncertainties around us! So, I have an awesome life hack for you! Yes, AWESOME!
Here it is … GO FOR A WALK (OR RUN) OUTSIDE. Even 5 to 10 minutes can make a real difference. No, I'm not asking you to do a 30 minute HIIT workout or any other strenuous exercise. I'm simply saying get out, move, and get some fresh air. It will do you wonders!
It has been a stress cure for centuries! (Because it works!)
“I took a walk in nature and came out taller than the trees.” – Henry David Thoreau.
You don’t have to walk in the trees to get the benefits. You can do it pretty much anywhere.
Here are a few reasons why being outside can help cut stress:
It removes you from the stressful environment. (SO important!) This helps you naturally shift your energy and perspective.
It helps you reconnect with the outside world. Take some time to look around at your surroundings. This can help break the loop of stressful and worried thoughts.
It helps you reconnect with your body. Usually, when we’re stressed, it’s because we’re “in our heads” – wrapped up in our thoughts. The act of walking will help your muscles loosen up, getting rid of physical tension.
Plus … exercise is good for your heart and overall health!
I hope you can avoid the extra “holiday stress” over the coming weeks – but if you can’t, try lacing up those walking shoes and getting outside!
...and even better, I've got you covered! Why wait until 2021 to start working towards your goals!? Let’s build some momentum and get a head start!